HR Toolbox FAQs

Ein HR Softwarearchitekturvorschlag ist ein Plan oder Entwurf, der die grundlegende Struktur und die Komponenten einer ganzheitlichen HR-Softwarelösung beschreibt. Es handelt sich um einen detaillierten Vorschlag, der die verschiedenen Aspekte der Softwarearchitektur definiert, um die Bedürfnisse des HR-Bereichs zu erfüllen.

Normalerweise enthält ein Angebot eine Vielzahl von Informationen über Systemkomponenten, Datenbankstrukturen, Benutzeroberflächen usw. Wir setzen mit unserem Baukasten auf Einfachheit, denn wir wissen, dass die Konzeption einer HR Softwarearchitektur eine komplexe Aufgabe ist und gut durchdacht sein will. Kommen Sie daher mit einem ersten Vorschlag aus unserem Baukasten auf uns zu und wir können mit Ihnen unverbindlich über eine mögliche Lösung sprechen.

Unsere Bewertungen und Empfehlungen basieren auf einer Kombination aus KI-gestützter Analyse. Unsere KI durchsucht und vergleicht Softwareanbieter im Hintergrund, um eine erste Einschätzung zu geben. Nach Ihrer Kontaktaufnahme bieten wir eine detaillierte Einschätzung basierend auf Ihren spezifischen Anforderungen. Wir können Ihnen dan konkrete Ansätze zu Integrationen und/oder Schnittstellen anbieten, welche es Ihnen ermöglicht, die neuen Lösungen nahtlos in Ihr bestehendes System zu integrieren.
Da jedes Unternehmen einzigartige Anforderungen hat, können wir nicht garantieren, dass die vorgeschlagene Software-Architektur perfekt zu Ihnen passt. Wir bieten jedoch eine individuelle Beratung an, um Ihre Bedürfnisse zu verstehen und eine passende Lösung zu finden. Die meisten Softwarelösungen können integriert oder über spezielle Schnittstellen verbunden werden, um einen einheitlichen Datenfluss zu schaffen. Kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Informationen.
We are sorry that the tool did not result in a software architecture suggestion. This may be because the software you are looking for is not in our database or an internal error has occurred. Please contact us so that we can discuss your requirements and make a suitable recommendation.

Lernmanagementsystem FAQs

Unser Lernmanagementsystem (LMS) eignet sich besonders für klein- und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU). Neben dem Vorteil von einem der Vorreiter in Sachen Lernmanagementsoftware zu profitieren, ermöglicht die einfache Implementierung sowie die über 5000 englisch- und deutschsprachigen E-Learnings von zertifizierten Anbietern, einen schnellen Einsatz des LMS in Ihrem Betrieb. Darüber hinaus können Sie auch eigene Inhalte und Schulungen schnell und leicht Ihren Mitarbeiter/-innen zur Verfügung stellen.

Das Angebot beinhaltet neben der technischen Implementierung des LMS, 5000 englisch- und deutschsprachige E-Learnings von zertifizierten Anbietern. Damit Sie direkt alle Features des Systems optimal nutzen können, erhalten Sie von uns Schulungen zum Umgang mit Ihrem neuen LMS sowie Best-Practice-Beispiele.
After the go-live date, we help you to create a sustainable learning culture in your organisation by discussing new release updates, change management and learning KPIs in monthly check-ins.

Als zertifizierter Implementierungspartner verbindet CLEVIS und reboot:HR eine langjährige Partnerschaft mit Cornerstone, wobei die CLEVIS bereits zahlreiche Implementierungen mit der Cornerstone-Software begleiten konnte. Das Besondere dabei ist, dass sich aus dieser Partnerschaft das Angebot des LMS für KMUs entwickelt hat. Die CLEVIS und reboot:HR begleiten deshalb nun KMUs auf dem Weg zum Einsatz des Lernmanagementsystems von Cornerstone.

Cornerstone gilt als Vorreiter im Bereich Lernmanagement. Durch das Angebot von reboot:HR, CLEVIS und Cornerstone haben nun auch KMUs haben die Möglichkeit von einem der größten Lernmanagementanbieter zu profitieren.
Das Lernmanagementsystem ermöglicht kontinuierliches Lernen auf allen Geräten und jederzeit. Maßgeschneiderte Trainingsprogramme oder Machine Learning helfen dabei Mitarbeiter/-innen weiterzuentwickeln und die passenden Lernmaßnahmen genau auf die Lernenden abzustimmen. Berichte und Dashboards bieten einen Überblick mit praktischem Mehrwert.

Die Software bietet sehr gute Filter-Möglichkeiten, um das passende E-Learning zu finden. Darüber hinaus haben wir alle Inhalte nach fünf Qualitätskriterien bewertet, weshalb unser Partner CLEVIS Ihnen spezifische und nach ihren Bedarfen angepasste Inhalte vorschlagen können.
Sobald wir die Stammdaten Ihrer Mitarbeiter/-innen erhalten haben, können wir Ihnen das LMS innerhalb von 24 Stunden bereitstellen.

Öffentlicher Dienst FAQs

Für den öffentlichen Dienst gibt es einige Besonderheiten, die bei der Digitalisierung der Personalverwaltung zu beachten sind. Die wichtigsten zu berücksichtigenden Aspekte sind: Tarif- und Dienstrecht, komplexe Organisationsstrukturen, unterschiedliche Beschäftigtengruppen (z.B. Beamte vs. Angestellte), Compliance-Anforderungen und das Zusammenspiel mit anderen Systemen. All dies kann Herausforderungen für die Digitalisierung darstellen, stellt aber kein Hindernis dar. Wir haben bereits einige Digitalisierungsprojekte im Personalbereich für den öffentlichen Dienst durchgeführt und kennen die Besonderheiten. Kontaktieren Sie uns für eine detaillierte Präsentation eines möglichen Ansatzes für Ihre Personalabteilung.

Die beiden Begriffe beziehen sich auf unterschiedliche Ansätze für die Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von IT-Infrastruktur und IT-Diensten.

Bei der Cloud-Lösung werden IT-Ressourcen über das Internet von einem Anbieter bereitgestellt und auch von diesem verwaltet. Vorteile sind Skalierbarkeit, Flexibilität und geringere Investitionskosten.
Bei On-Premise-Lösungen müssen diese Ressourcen vor Ort betrieben und gewartet werden. Dadurch hat der Betreiber die volle Kontrolle, muss aber auch die Infrastruktur selbst beschaffen und die Wartung sicherstellen. Wir selbst empfehlen den meisten Kund/-innen die Cloud-Lösung, da sie den vollen Funktionsumfang mit relativ geringem Aufwand ermöglicht. Vor der Entscheidung sollte jedoch eine Beratung stattfinden, um eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung zu finden, die den Anforderungen optimal entspricht.

Die Kosten für die Implementierung einer HR Software können stark variieren und hängen von verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Wir haben für Sie eine Auswahl dieser Faktoren zusammengestellt: Softwarelizenzen, Anpassungs- und Integrationsumfang, Schulungen, Datenmigration, Wartung und Support sowie langfristige Betriebskosten (z.B. Lizenzverlängerungen, Schulung neuer Mitarbeiter/-innen oder mögliche Erweiterungen). Die genannten Kostenaspekte werden durch die Anzahl der Endbenutzer/-innen und die Komplexität des Projekts bzw. der Implementierung moderiert. Wir haben bereits zahlreiche Implementierungsprojekte erfolgreich realisiert und können auf einen großen Erfahrungsschatz zurückgreifen. Für eine detailliertere Kostenschätzung stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

Neben der Nutzung externer Ressourcen wie HR- und IT-Fachwissen sind auch interne Ressourcen für die Durchführung eines HR-Implementierungsprojekts erforderlich. Zu diesen internen Ressourcen können Projektmanagement-, Change Management-, Kommunikations- und Schulungsressourcen gehören. Sie alle können als entscheidend für das Projekt angesehen werden - die erforderliche Anzahl hängt immer von der Größe und der Erfahrung mit dieser Art von Projekten ab. Eine der wichtigsten internen Ressourcen ist darüber hinaus die Bereitstellung eines Entscheidungsträgers bzw. Fachverantwortlichen, der im Projektverlauf an zahlreichen Workshops zur Digitalisierung bzw. Veränderung der Fachprozesse teilnehmen sollte.

Wir verfügen in all diesen Bereichen über umfangreiche Erfahrungen und können Sie daher auch als externe Ressource unterstützen oder beraten.

Sollten Sie keine externe Unterstützung wünschen und die Tätigkeiten intern abdecken, gilt als grobe Faustregel: Multiplizieren Sie die Anzahl der Tage, die Ihnen der Softwarehersteller als Aufwand genannt hat mit dem Faktor 1,5-2,0 und ermitteln Sie so eine Schätzung für den internen Aufwand auf Ihrer Seite.

Wir von reboot:HR sind Spezialisten in der Softwareauswahl für Personalabteilungen und begleiten unsere Kund/-innen bereits seit sieben Jahren bei der Suche nach der perfekten digitalen Lösung. Durch unser Partnernetzwerk von HR-Softwareanbietern können wir zudem auf eine große Auswahl an uns bereits bekannter Software zurückgreifen und haben direkten Kontakt zu den Anbietern oder können Ihnen als Generalunternehmer eine oder mehrere Softwarelösungen ohne Aufpreis verkaufen und betreiben. Haben wir die passende Software für Sie gefunden, stehen wir Ihnen auch bei der Implementierung zur Verfügung und unterstützen Sie bei der Betreuung der dann implementierten Software. Somit können wir mit Stolz sagen, dass wir Sie als reboot:HR im gesamten Prozess der Digitalisierung Ihrer Personalabteilung begleiten können und Sie somit von einer nahtlosen Abwicklung Ihres Projektes profitieren.
Yes, feel free to contact our references and let them convince you of our success. In addition, we offer a series of events (e.g. roundtables) with our partner CLEVIS Consult, where we exchange ideas with former clients and external parties about various digital solutions in the HR sector. Please contact us if you have any questions about our references or would like to attend an event.

Marktrecherche FAQs

1 . Can the tools offered here map specific public service processes, such as the appointment process, the hearing process, specific HR processes according to collective agreements?

Yes, the tools offered here can map the specific processes of the public sector. Depending on the solution, additional customisation by our consultants may be required. Please contact our team for more information.

2 . What are the typical stages of digitisation in public institutions?

1. Analysis of the current situation and development of a strategy to achieve a defined target state.
2. Establish an appropriate IT infrastructure to serve as the basis for software solutions.
3. Identifying processes and procedures that are suitable for digitalisation. During this identification process, ideas can be gathered on how to optimise these processes.
4. Carry out the tendering process and select a suitable HR software.
5. Implementation of the HR software and training.
6. Operate the software solution and, if necessary, the new or changed processes.
7. Continuous improvement - digitalisation and development are continuous. It is therefore important to keep your eyes open for new trends and opportunities.

3 . Our organisation has developed and implemented a custom solution for human resources. How much will it cost to replace it with a new solution?

If you are currently using a customised solution for your individual processes, implementing a new solution usually requires a minor change to the process structure of your HR department. While the solutions presented here are customisable to a certain extent, it cannot always be guaranteed that every step can be mapped exactly. But don't worry, the processes in the solutions presented here are already optimised and efficient, so-called best practices. Sometimes it is necessary to adapt one's own processes to the software in order to keep one's finger on the pulse and to enter the digitisation process successfully and in the most resource-efficient way.

4 . Can your payroll solutions take into account the specificities of collective bargaining in the public sector?

Yes, the solutions offered here are able to map the collective bargaining specifics of the public sector in their accounting systems.

5 . Are there any restrictions on the number of employees in the solutions offered?

This depends on the software you are using. Depending on the provider, there may be restrictions on the number of employees you can have. This is why it is important to consider not only the current number of employees, but also future developments. If you are not sure which solution is best for you, we can help you.

6 . Do the solutions offered meet the requirements for official data protection and information security (e.g. BSI-Grundschutz, C5-Testat)?

Yes, the HR software solutions offered here meet all the legal requirements for the public sector.

7 . As a German public authority, can I use an American software vendor? Does it meet public sector requirements?

Yes, when you buy the software from us, reboot:HR acts as a general contractor (reseller). This means that we can also ensure compliance with the even stricter requirements in Germany and for public institutions, as well as providing you with German support. If you wish, we can also contractually exclude data transfer to the USA completely.

8 . Are your solutions GDPR compliant, e.g. in terms of server location?

Yes, the solutions offered here meet all the requirements of the GDPR, including issues of server location and architecture.

9 . I already have an LMS. Can I only buy content that I can integrate with my current LMS?

Yes, our training library contains thousands of e-learning courses that you can purchase on a subscription model at low cost and with best practice testing. We can also provide you with one of the best learning systems without any complex implementation.

Once you have selected the learning content that suits you, you can provide all your employees with an LMS with ready-made content within a few days.

10 . What do I need to consider when tendering for my public institution?

There are a number of important points to consider in a tendering process. The general process is divided into the following stages: market research, tender preparation, tender competition, bidding, negotiation and award. At each stage there are a number of issues that need to be considered to ensure that the tender process runs as smoothly as possible. For inexperienced players, this can often be challenging and can lead to a number of pitfalls, especially when it comes to the detailed preparation of the relevant documents for each step. Contact us for advice if you are planning a tender in your public institution.

11 . Which HR software providers are best suited to the public sector?

This question can only be answered on a case-by-case basis. There are software vendors that are not suitable for the public sector.

On the other hand, there are many software vendors that are well suited to the public sector. Which of these is right for you needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Contact us and we will help you in an uncomplicated way.

12 . What are the steps in the research process?

Market research, also known as market exploration, consists of a number of steps that reflect the purpose of such an approach. Market exploration includes needs assessment, market overview, order value estimation, profitability calculation and product information. All these steps are subject to certain rules which, especially for the inexperienced usually means a time-consuming examination of the subject and a loss of valuable capacity. We have supported and carried out many selection processes and know what is important - contact us for further advice.

13 . What does a contract value calculation look like? What do I need to take into account?

It has proved useful for contracting authorities to obtain at least three non-binding price indications during the course of the market investigation. These should be as comparable as possible and can then be used to estimate the value of the contract, e.g. by taking the average (note the intended duration of the contract!).

14 . What is the typical duration of an HR software implementation project?

Unfortunately, this is not always an easy question to answer. The duration of a project depends on many factors, such as the number of people involved, the client's resources and the client's willingness to make decisions. The duration of a project must therefore always be determined on an individual basis.

15 . What internal resources and expertise do I need for an HR implementation project?

In addition to external resources (e.g. HR and IT expertise), internal resources are always needed to carry out an HR implementation project. These may include project management, change management or communication and training resources. We have extensive experience in all these areas and can therefore provide additional support or advice with our consultants.

16 . What are common participation or eligibility criteria for HR software/service providers?

We are happy to help you formulate suitability criteria. Examples of common eligibility criteria include
– Leistungserbringung in deutscher Sprache
– Anerkennung deutschen Rechts
– Anzahl der Mitarbeiter (ggf. differenziert nach Bereichen)
– Umsatz im relevanten Bereich
– Referenzen
– Versicherungen
– Profile der Projektmitarbeiter/-innen

17 . What are common performance criteria for HR software/service providers?

We are happy to help you formulate performance criteria that work for you. Examples of broad categories of common performance criteria include
- Individual professional requirement criteria for each module, e.g. requirement descriptions or required videos/concepts for...
o Employer attractiveness / employer branding
o Staff recruitment / recruiting
o Induction / Onboarding
o Human Resource Management (incl. Goal Management)
o Lernmanagement System / LMS / LCMS
o Talent Management / Succession Planning
o Compensation / Payroll / Personnel Cost Planning
o Offboarding
o Master data & organisational data / self services
o Correspondence / Document Management
o Electronic Personnel File
o Users, roles, permissions
o General criteria for the future configuration of the application
o Interfaces
o Data migration requirements
o Reporting and analysis requirements

- Individual technical requirement criteria for the individual modules, e.g. requirement descriptions or required videos/concepts for...
o Operational concept / hosting
o Support concept
o Documentation
o Performance / Capacity / Volume
o Modularisation
o Release management
o Operability / Usability
o Privacy and IT security
o Integration capability of interfaces

- Individual requirement criteria for the service in terms of implementation or system configuration, e.g. requirement descriptions or required videos/concepts for...
o Consulting services
o Project management
o Training & Education
o Additional services
o Demos / Test setups

18 . What should I be aware of during the offer and negotiation phases?

1. End the negotiation phase only when you have understood the offer 100%.
2. Dokumentieren Sie die Verhandlungsphase.
3. Take the opportunity to ask for direct contact with the people who will be accompanying you later in the project. Get to know them.
4. Versuchen Sie, einen besseren Preis auszuhandeln!

20 . What aspects in contracts do I need to look out for when procuring a cloud service provider for my HR software?

It is best to use the standardised EVB-IT contracts and exclude the participants' own terms and conditions.

Pay particular attention to data transfer and access, support and penalty clauses.

21 . What sources can I use for market research?

When searching the market, you can use a variety of sources to gather information about potential HR software. These include product portals, internet searches, company visits, expert interviews, industry journals or requests for information from companies. Each of these options has its pros and cons. Let us advise you on which approach is best for you.

22 . What aspects of the contract do I need to be aware of during the tendering process (e.g. conditions, deadlines, price changes)?

This is very individual and also depends on your initial situation and the HR software modules and functionalities you are considering. Talk to us, we will be happy to advise you.

23 . When do I have to publish a European or national tender?

The EU public procurement directives stipulate that public contracts for supplies and services (= HR Software) above a threshold value of 214,000 euros (as of 09/2021) must be published throughout Europe. According to national public procurement law, contracts below the European threshold must be announced nationwide - however, the exact publication requirements may vary depending on the federal state and the type of contract. Please note that this is only a general overview. The exact publication requirements depend on a number of factors. You should therefore check the procurement portals, familiarise yourself with the procurement regulations or contact us for further advice.

HR Dienstleistungen FAQs

Yes, we also offer coaching and leadership training. As a company and a professional partner specialised in HR digitalisation, consulting and transformation, we know how important qualified and competent leaders are for the success of a company. Our coaching and leadership training is tailored to the individual needs of our clients - our experts will help you to identify your strengths and maximise your leadership potential.

Both the public and private sectors face the challenges of a world of work that is constantly and rapidly changing. Digitalisation, globalisation and demographic change are key drivers of these changes. In order to operate successfully in this dynamic environment, it is essential to equip existing and future public service employees with the right skills.

One critical skill that is essential in today's world is digital competence. As digitalisation progresses, it is important that public service employees are skilled in the use of digital technologies.

Another key competence in the public service is intercultural competence. Given the increasing diversity in society, it is important that employees are able to interact sensitively with people from different cultural backgrounds and to take into account different perspectives.

In addition to these specific skills, flexibility and adaptability are of great importance. The world of work is constantly changing and public service workers need to be able to adapt to new demands, laws and policies. Flexibility enables them to adjust to new situations, acquire new skills and adapt their working methods accordingly.

By promoting and developing these skills, the public service can increase its effectiveness and efficiency and better meet the changing needs of citizens.

The needs of public sector employees are not inherently different from those of private sector employees.

Therefore, as a public sector employer, you have to compete in terms of the HR services you offer and your HR product catalogue. We are happy to support you in this, as well as in the specific issues of the public sector with regard to the particularities of employment conditions.

Excellent - you are taking an important step into the future. There is a wide range of possible self-service functions for your employees that you can map digitally. Some of these functions are Electronic Personnel File, Payroll, Leave and Absence Management, Training and Development Management, Performance Management, Updating Employee Data or Employee Surveys. There are different timeframes and costs to consider when implementing these functions - so let us advise you on which of the above are most important for your public sector organisation and which can be implemented at a later date. In this way, you can increase employee satisfaction with minimal effort.

There are several options available to you within an operating model. We offer you the option of handling all your requirements through us as a general contractor and thus as a single point of contact for your SLAs.

Service Level Agreements are the definition of standards for collaboration. What is a critical error and what is a less critical error? What is the maximum time it can take to fix a problem? Who do I call if I have a problem? Does the person speak English?

These are just a few of the many questions asked when defining an SLA. In general, the following SLA levels can be distinguished in practice (as an example)
- 1st Level: Individual user enquiries to the relevant department (e.g. password reset, operating errors, comprehension questions, etc.).
- 2nd Level: Individual requests from departments/process owners to the responsible office (e.g. change email triggers, adjust texts in the system, change colours in the system, restructure the organisation, etc.).
- 3rd Level: Enquiries from the customer to the system manufacturer about errors in the system (e.g. a faulty software function).
- 4th Level: Enquiries from the system manufacturer, e.g. to the operator of the infrastructure (hosting provider).
Questions to consider include: Who is allowed to create and manage which categories of tickets? What is a reasonable process? Do we need a ticketing tool?

We are happy to help you with this.

Talk to us, it can be very individual. Examples can be:
- System availability guarantee >99.5% excluding maintenance times.
- For the classification of "defects" (= errors in the software), a three-level severity scale is used ("Level 1-3"):
o "Major Defect“: Stufe 1 & 2
o "Geringfügiger Mangel“: Stufe 3
- Major defects
o ...are Level 1 and 2 on the three level severity scale, here the software vendor should proactively provide a status update on the processing status every 2 hours.
o For level 2 (the system is inaccessible, no login and therefore no use possible), a resolution time of max. 12 hours should be guaranteed.
o For level 3 (a single module within the system is not working at all, e.g. no reporting possible, no data update for at least 24 hours, etc.) a resolution time of max. 24 hours should be guaranteed.
- In the case of a "minor error" (level 3), an additional prioritisation is carried out. A three level priority scale is used (Prio 1-3)
o For Level 3 and Priority 3 there are usually no contractually guaranteed resolution times (but we can offer them).
o Level 3 and Priority 2 usually have a maximum guaranteed resolution time of 60 days (we can improve this massively for you).
o o For Level 3 and Priority 1, a maximum of 30 days resolution time is guaranteed (we can massively improve this for you).

Therefore, contact us if you need support in identifying and defining SLAs - based on our experience, we can positively influence this process for you in order to obtain a sustainably secure and reliable HR solution.


In addition to the technical implementation of the LMS, the offer includes 5000 English and German e-learning courses from certified providers. To help you get the most out of the system, we provide training on how to use your new LMS and best practice examples.After the go-live date, we help you to create a sustainable […]

Our Learning Management System (LMS) is particularly suited to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). As well as the benefit of working with one of the pioneers of learning management software, you can get your LMS up and running quickly with easy implementation and over 5,000 English and German e-learning courses from certified providers. You can […]
We are sorry that the tool did not result in a software architecture suggestion. This may be because the software you are looking for is not in our database or an internal error has occurred. Please contact us so that we can discuss your requirements and make a suitable recommendation.
As each business has unique requirements, we cannot guarantee that the proposed software architecture will be a perfect fit for you. However, we do offer a one-to-one meeting to understand your needs and find a suitable solution. Most software solutions can be integrated or linked via specific interfaces to create a unified data flow. Please […]
Our assessments and recommendations are based on a combination of AI-powered analysis. Our AI searches and compares software solutions in the background to provide an initial assessment. After you contact us, we provide a detailed assessment based on your specific requirements. We can then offer you concrete approaches to integration and/or interfaces that will allow […]
An HR software architecture proposal is a plan or design that describes the basic structure and components of an holistic HR software solution. It is a detailed proposal that defines the various aspects of the software architecture to meet the needs of the HR domain. Typically, a proposal contains a lot of information about system […]
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